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Recurrent Inertial Graph-based Estimator (RING)¤


Supports Python=3.10/3.11/3.12 (tested).

Install with pip using

pip install imt-ring

Typically, this will install jax as cpu-only version. Afterwards, gpu-enabled version can be installed with

pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda12_pip]" -f


Available here.

Known fixes¤

Offscreen rendering with Mujoco¤

mujoco.FatalError: an OpenGL platform library has not been loaded into this process, this most likely means that a valid OpenGL context has not been created before mjr_makeContext was called


import os
os.environ["MUJOCO_GL"] = "egl"


The following publications utilize this software library, and refer to it as the Random Chain Motion Generator (RCMG) (more specifically the function ring.RCMG):

Other useful ressources¤

Particularly useful is the following publication from Roy Featherstone - A Beginner’s Guide to 6-D Vectors (Part 2)


Simon Bachhuber (